Wednesday, December 26, 2007


I got a Wii for Christmas!! My mom and I are making Miis of celebrities and then doing the boxing game. xD

In this corner we have: PARIS HILTON!!
In the other corner we have: PAULA DEAN!!

Oh so much fun....

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Let's Make Fun...

...Of the incredibly stupid thing called 'Safe School Ambassadors Program'. I got a letter! As such, I am now going to nitpick through the stupidity of it. My comments on it are in italics.

Why was I nominated?
You were nominated because of your personality, skills, and orientation toward leadership. The Ambassadors will probably share a number of traits. They will all be socially skilled people. That means that they know how to talk with all kinds of people; they are interested in the viewpoints of others; they notice and care about people. Ummm, how many times can you say 'they' in one sentence? Yeah, I know how to talk to all kinds of people, for jerks I ask them to get the heck out of my way. Fail. They connect with others; they are social leaders, even if they are not involved in formal leadership roles. They are usually out-going and well liked, even if they are not voted "most popular" :)

You get the picture. The only good thing is that it is optional. YAY!!

Friday, November 30, 2007


Where I live, it's supposed to be 30 degrees tonight. I'll need my heavy sweater tonight, my nice book, and hot chocolate.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Shooting Star

Let my writing skills go to work.

I am a star. No one know the coldness that I face- Wait. Let me backtrack. If you are a Hollywood actress agreeing furiously with me right now, put down this book. That isn't the type of star I mean. I am talking about a start in sky, and there's nothing colder than outer space.

-eye twitch- You know, sometimes these things just pop into you head. Now I'm going to have to spend time thinking of the important things, like 'plot' and 'characters' Would you name a star? Do stars even have names? If stars in space don't have names how do you identify them from another star? Why would a star write and publish a book? What problems can stars even face? Gah! Too many questions. Now this is goign to haunt for a while, because I'm not going to sleep until I can answer all of those questions. -_-;

Monday, October 29, 2007

I hate chatpeak

This is my first entery on blogspot, yay!

Anyway. Like the title suggests I hate when people use chatspeak. Or, as some might know it as l33t sp34k. It's when people take real words you could find in the dictionary, and replace them with numbers (Ex. Geek becomes 'G33k'). It's not just replacing letters, you can also replace sound, like 'hate' would become 'h8'. It just bugs me, this chat speak, especially when people do this to already short words. I mean, we don't have an abbreviation for May, yet people still take short words and make them shorter. For those who only talk to people online that are literate, here's a longer example: Ah!11! 70d4y w3 704t1y l0st 0ur c0mp37i7i0n! Translation: Ah!! Today we toatly lost our competition! Some people think chatspeak is easier to use, but it just bugs me.